I AM SICK AND TIRED OF THESE BITCHES ON THIS SITE......SO THEREFORE IN ORDER TO KEEP MY SANITY IM ONLY POSTING NON_EXCULISIVE SHIT ON HERE......and i know that 45% actually know and appreciate hip hop.... i applaud that 45%..BUT THE MAJORITY OF THESE FAGS JUST ARE HERE TO BE UP TOP OFF THE CHARTS AND ZERO BOMB TO GET THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now if i mistaken im sure when tom fulp and everyone else that started this site...they put 0 on there for if IT IS REALLY A ZERO...its kind of like school..... ONLY A ZERO if no audio at all or the artist was rapping about something entirely different to the subject........... now for a 1 is POOR POOR Audio quality with POOR LYrics...2 is POOR AUDIO with o.k lyrics..and so on and so fourth.....lol so yea when u got pre-mature fags like DJ SES and people who have no idea about the concept of hip hop and then mix the 2 together...YOU HAVE THE WORLDS FAKEST MOST WASTED ON SITE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ANyway in the meanwhile heres a pic and a link to my MYSPACE..where people do appreciate me....APPRECIATED MUSIK PAGE